
New resources page: Women’s Presses & Publishers

Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be adding some resources pages to WordMothers. This site was always intended to both showcase and inspire women writers, and one of the things I’m committed to is helping female authors find more opportunities for their work. It’s all very well and good to get words down on paper, but a great story deserves to be read, to be shared, and to do its part in diversifying the literary landscape.

I’ll provide stats at a later date but the simple truth is that men are much more proactive about seeking publication than women are. There’s likely a whole host of reasons behind this but I’ll wager that one of the main problems is that women writers feel they don’t get a fair shot with a lot of publishers. However, the presses and publishers I’ve pulled together here are actively seeking female voices to publish, so why not polish up a manuscript and query them?

If you know of a female-centric press or publisher I’ve missed, please let me know so I can add them. As always, I am extraordinarily grateful to all of you for reading and participating here, and I welcome your contributions to the WordMothers resources pages as they go up.

Thank you!

Nicole Melanson

7 thoughts on “New resources page: Women’s Presses & Publishers

    1. Hi, Dominique. Yes, I think this is backed up by evidence that literary journals almost always receive more submissions from male writers than from female, men will apply “up” for a job, whereas women will only apply if they’re 100% confident they’re qualified etc. I will add that even though I’m running a site dedicated to women writers, the majority of my connection requests on LI come from men. I also get a lot of male followers on Twitter that I can tell aren’t actually into the site – just hoping I’ll follow back to up their numbers.


  1. This is short , informative and interesting to read. Haven’t looked the page yet but I will when I have more time..at work!! Ha ha Great stuff Nicole. See you at school Dee

    Sent from my iPhone


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